Thursday, August 25, 2005
Chavez, Robertson, and Sheehan -- A Trio of Nonsense
I thought of making a few comments on the Cindy Sheehan carnival and, more recently, Pat Robertson's media-hyped nonsense (Instead of assassination, I only wish Chavez would die of natural causes -- like maybe a lightning storm) but Neal Boortz said it all best:
"So why is all of this attention being paid to Pat Robertson's comment that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should be assassinated? Story after story, newscast after newscast, it's being broadcast as if what Pat Robertson says actually means anything. So why all the coverage?"
"Come on, folks. This one is easy. The media takes a crackpot like Pat Robertson and uses him to paint all Republicans and Bush supporters as nut jobs ready to form assassination squads to send out around the world to whack leaders we don't like. This story fits the media template. Robertson is a Bush supporter. The story, therefore, damages Bush. This means the story gets pushed. Never mind that Robertson is not a spokesperson for any of those organizations and has nothing to do with policy. Doesn't matter. It's all about following the Bush-bashing template."
"So now we get to hear about this over and over again, as if it actually matters. Donald Rumsfeld's response was perfect...private citizens say things all the time. Once again, the leftist tilt of the mainstream media rears its ugly head. It's worth noting that when certain fringe wacko liberals were calling for the assassination of George Bush, the press was strangely silent." (Emphasis mine)
"Well, Cindy Sheehan is headed back to Crawford, Texas, and the media is in an absolute frenzy. Remember .. this is the woman who says that Bush is waging a nuclear war in Iraq and that President Bush is the world's biggest terrorist. She hates George Bush ... this means that the media loves Cindy Sheehan."
"Here's another Cindy Sheehan comment to ponder. It's one the mainstream media has ignored. Speaking earlier this month to a reporter for CBS News, she actually called the Islamic terrorists "freedom fighters." That's right. the very ones that killed her son. Why don't we hear more about this? Because it would undermine her credibility."
"So now Cindy is headed back to Crawford, to spew more nonsense for days and days, all of which will be picked up by the mainstream media. I wonder why she came back? Perhaps it was the promise of more Joan Baez concerts. Sheehan has become nothing more than a willing marionette for the left. That makes her a media hero."
"So why is all of this attention being paid to Pat Robertson's comment that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should be assassinated? Story after story, newscast after newscast, it's being broadcast as if what Pat Robertson says actually means anything. So why all the coverage?"
"Come on, folks. This one is easy. The media takes a crackpot like Pat Robertson and uses him to paint all Republicans and Bush supporters as nut jobs ready to form assassination squads to send out around the world to whack leaders we don't like. This story fits the media template. Robertson is a Bush supporter. The story, therefore, damages Bush. This means the story gets pushed. Never mind that Robertson is not a spokesperson for any of those organizations and has nothing to do with policy. Doesn't matter. It's all about following the Bush-bashing template."
"So now we get to hear about this over and over again, as if it actually matters. Donald Rumsfeld's response was perfect...private citizens say things all the time. Once again, the leftist tilt of the mainstream media rears its ugly head. It's worth noting that when certain fringe wacko liberals were calling for the assassination of George Bush, the press was strangely silent." (Emphasis mine)
"Well, Cindy Sheehan is headed back to Crawford, Texas, and the media is in an absolute frenzy. Remember .. this is the woman who says that Bush is waging a nuclear war in Iraq and that President Bush is the world's biggest terrorist. She hates George Bush ... this means that the media loves Cindy Sheehan."
"Here's another Cindy Sheehan comment to ponder. It's one the mainstream media has ignored. Speaking earlier this month to a reporter for CBS News, she actually called the Islamic terrorists "freedom fighters." That's right. the very ones that killed her son. Why don't we hear more about this? Because it would undermine her credibility."
"So now Cindy is headed back to Crawford, to spew more nonsense for days and days, all of which will be picked up by the mainstream media. I wonder why she came back? Perhaps it was the promise of more Joan Baez concerts. Sheehan has become nothing more than a willing marionette for the left. That makes her a media hero."